About Me

Hi everyone! I'm Tiago Costa, a 7+ year Portuguese software developer leaving in the beautifull Portuguese capital, Lisboa.

Vasco da Gama bridge

The image above is from one of my favorite places in the city, the Garden of the Promenade of the Heroes of the Sea.

I currently work for CGI as DevOps engineer on the DevOps team, in a position where I get to learn every day. It is one the best jobs I've had yet.

This site serves as my outlet for things I run across in my life, as well as tips and tricks I pick up and experience I have in the general programming and software development world. My goal is to provide a useful repository of knowledge and stories for other programmers and software professionals.

I'm also an amateur photographer. You can see some of my work in the Photography page.

Finally, you can follow me on Twitter , LinkedIn, and Github.

This blog, and its content and opinions are my own and do not represent the opinions of my employer(s).

Cat tax 🐈